SM, TM & ©2025–2125 Author Marketing Group™.
All Rights Reserved. UK & Relevant International Laws Apply.
We’ve loved books and authors for decades. However the recent lockdown starting in 2020.. brought home the need for something new, something different. Authors couldn’t continue operating the way they were, the publishing industry shifted and so did the world. Time and time again, the same challenges were coming up… and not about getting a book published and up on Amazon.. but what happens next..
There was a clear need and desire for more real community, and to get on with making the difference we know we could with people that value and respect us and who we value and respect and trust.
Yes, authors need now more than ever to take responsibility for their book sales, and as Author Marketing Group we help our members sell more books.
That’s just the beginning, and as we say it’s never just about the book. Many authors haven’t learnt how to brand, position and market themselves as authors. They haven’t built raving fans and platforms.
There’s also things possible now with technology and platforms available at no cost, that many authors haven’t scratch the surface of let alone mastered. This wasn’t the case even a few years ago, and this reset is going to continue.
The Common Problems and Pain Authors have before joining Author Marketing Group
- No / Not enough book sales – they aren’t selling enough books.
- Frustration – they don’t understand why things aren’t working for them, and they are for others.
- Alone – they’re battling to get their books written and out there alone.
- Tech Challenges – they don’t want to spend more money and time having to reinvent the wheel and the tech is working against them not for them.
- Overwhelm – there are too many things to do, and as a result none really ever get done
- No traction or momentum – even if an author is selling a thousand books a year, they aren’t getting the real traction or momentum they want and deserve.
Will you join us as a Founding Member ?
When something is new it takes courage to commit and take action. We’ve already taken the steps to change the narrative of what’s possible for authors, and now you have the opportunity to join us.
Founder members will be given special terms and benefits and play a part in shaping the future of the Author Marketing Group, as well as the selection process for future members.
The current plan is for there to be a maximum of 100 Founder Members, so that we can optimally serve them, however this is subject to change.
We have an annual VIP Event scheduled for 9/9, with location confirmed.. We’d love to welcome you there.
Quality and fit is key and not everyone who wants to be accepted as a Founder member will be accepted, however if what you’re reading is resonating with you, then now is the time to take action.
The Facts & F.A.Q. about Author Marketing Group (AMG)
Who can apply to join AMG?
AMG is really designed by Authors for Authors.
- Authors – who are committed to adding value, ethical marketing and business.
- Publishers – who are focussed on supporting their authors optimally.
- Literary Agents – who are focussed on adding value to authors.
Most members have already published at least one book, however someone who is in the process of writing and publishing their first book can also apply for membership.
What is AMG?
AMG stands for Author Marketing Group, and has three main elements:
- The Community
- The Mastermind
- The Marketing
Fundamentally it’s a private members “club” that was setup by authors for authors.
When do you meet?
We have a very interactive community. Some talk every day and some only when they have a challenge or opportunity.
As a member there is no enforced commitment .. no you must be on calls every day at 5am.
We provide the context and container for you to build the membership you need for your current reality and focus.
We have published a list of our AMG intended monthly events here.
Please note that given our global network and extensive networks there are usually events and opportunities to learn, grow and network every day – especially online.
When was AMG started & Why?
AMG was founded in 2020, however the seeds and ideas for AMG go back for decades.
The global changes that presented in 2020, and the coming together of like minded authors made clear that something was possible and necessary.
The founding members – authors with decades of experience in publishing and marketing – saw that there was a massive opportunity to help good people avoid the pitfalls of an industry that has started to devalue real authors and great content, and at a time when some many authors are struggling to make the impact they deserve and to get the support they really need.
What kind of people are members?
In one word – Authors.
However there are many types and each member has unique perspectives and skill sets.
Our members are Authors who also have unique skills and experiences which includes being strategists, artists, brand designers, marketers, publishers, business owners, producers, coaches, mentors, investors and philanthropists.
In short – we have a wide range of members and relationships.
This is part of what is so valuable to our members as they can share what’s working and learn from each others insights. This is also one of the key tenants of a successful “mastermind”.
We do say it’s never about just the books, and with that said our members include authors who have themselves or worked with / consulted / helped sell collectively millions of books, helped author and publish hundreds of books, create successful publishing companies, help people self publish creative works, launch recognised best sellers and so much more.
Is AMG just about selling some more books ?
No we didn’t create AMG just to sell more books, and authors whose only focus is to sell a few more books each month probably aren’t a fit.
If you’re reading this we hope you understand why.. and if you don’t yet but you’re intrigued then possibly we can share some insights that will have you think differently and get why we are so excited to connect with and work with our members.
- Just because you sell 1000 more books doesn’t mean 1000 books get read..
- A single book can make the difference to someone – save a life and turn around a business and more..
What are the benefits of membership?
- Access .. in one word it’s about access to people, projects, resources and opportunities with a specific context – Authors and Author Marketing
- Community .. people who are at some level like minded and on the journey
- Inspiration .. get inspiration for yourself , your book and your ventures from what others are doing
- Potential for collaborations and joint ventures – one of the most powerful marketing strategies are joint ventures and we specifically curated and setup AMG to enable and catalyse effective and ethical joint ventures.
- Solutions – Specific suggestions for proven systems and solutions we know work and can be trusted by authors and which are actively being used by our members.
- Opportunities to access proprietary services and relationships – you could think of it as our Black Book and VIP Deals.
How does an author apply to join AMG? What is the application process?
- Any author may apply for membership, and this is currently being managed by the team at SimonX™.
- Call to setup an initial call to check if there is a fit and go over membership options.
- A prospective member pays the relevant joining fee, and completes the membership application forms.
- If accepted an initial audit and assessment as part of the foundation process is completed.
- Based on the audit the member will be given a primary relationship manager.
Please note:
We are currently reviewing and refining the membership application process to both make it as easy as possible to apply and join and also maintain the integrity and ethos of the group.
What are the requirements of membership?
In a few words be nice..
There is so much potential for authors to make a difference, add real value and make a positive impact. What makes a difference is being nice. We get to chose who we connect and collaborate with and work with.
Our members are people we enjoy talking with and trust to be appropriate with the information and access they gain.
- Keeping in good standing and upholding our code of conduct
- All membership dues being paid and up to date
- Honouring the intent, integrity & IP of the community
- Being self responsible and an adult..
- Maintaining workability and being an “asset”
Can I get the list & contact details for all the members & service providers?
We think you’ll understand why we can’t share all the members information nor all the services we can and provide to them.
Some prefer to keep their privacy and they value the fact that we are a safe space for them to share their successes, challenges and insights.
So sadly, the first response is no. We protect the confidentiality and preferences of our members like many private communities and groups.
However some members and partners are willing and open to connect with prospective members, and answer any questions.
Will you market me & my book for free?
We work and collaborate WITH our members not FOR our members.
This is a key distinction.
For obvious reasons our members and partners don’t provide marketing services for authors and their books for free.
There are clearly opportunities for members to collaborate – this may be in the form of social media posts, podcast interviews, speaking opportunities and more.
AMG have trusted partners who can and do provide services for our members sometimes at preferential rates/terms and sometimes only to AMG members. In order to access AMG marketing services you must be a member of AMG.